Yes, October on the beach is a glorious time when the beach once again belongs to the loco locals, AKA me and my sun goddess friend, Elena. On October 17th we had a private beach, except for the occasional bundled up beach walkers. Although the temp with windchill was about 50 degrees Fahrenheit we topped up our tans, toasty in the sun behind our wind block. I even got in an hour of body surfing. I love my wet suit!
I did a bit of work too. Martin and I gave the house a fresh coat of paint before we moved back in.

And then a bit of local sightseeing with my crazy friend. Just after I took this photo we discovered the restaurant behind us "17" ( FYI they serve breakfast cocktails) After a great breakfast with a beverage, we walked it off in downtown Newburyport, MA.
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